Bald eagles are a symbol of our nation’s freedom and prosperity. Personally, for me that is, very few birds instill a sense of pride for our country as well as a sense of accomplishment by our nation’s ability to bring back the bald eagle from the near brink of extinction.
This Saturday, February 9, 2019, the Bear River Refuge, sponsored by the Friends of the Bear River Refuge, is hosting their annual Eagle Day event from 11:00 to 3:00 p.m.
Eagle day at the refuge has something for everyone, people of all ages and interests can come and enjoy their day learning about bald eagles and other wildlife which visit the refuge throughout the year. On Eagle Day, visitors can come create eagle themed crafts, play games, and watch movies.
Beginning at 12:00 pm, Bryan Ferguson, a volunteer for the refuge, will be leading a caravan of visitors around the auto tour route to view wintering bald eagles as well as to learn about eagles and their habitat. The caravan is from 12:00 pm to 2:30 pm and reservations are required for this particular activity so please call the refuge at 435-723-5887 to make a reservation.
Weather permitting, visitors can check out backpacks and binoculars for the Wetland Wonders Trail, a self-guided nature walk adjoining the visitors center. It is a great opportunity to get out in nature for a bit and experience the sights and sounds of our natural world.
The highlight of the event is a special guest appearance by DesTaTe, a rescued bald eagle which lives at the Ogden Nature Center and is often used for educational events such as this to educate others about bald eagles and what they need to survive. DesTaTe and it’s handler, Bryce King, will be at the refuge visitors center only from 11:00 -11:45 a.m. so come and make sure you meet DesTaTe.
If you are not able to visit the visitors center during the event, the center will be open from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. for their regular hours. The visitors center has a great wildlife display, nature walk, bookstore as well as a great movie about the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge.The self guided auto tour route is also open from sunrise to sunset for all who want to venture out and do some bird watching or photography on the refuge. Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, 2155 West Forest Street, Brigham City, Utah, 84302 435-723-5887
For more information about the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge you can visit their website, which has links to all their social media channels, call the refuge at 435-723-5887 or just stop in and visit them during their regular visitors hours which are posted on their website.
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