Jeff Strong

Finding White-faced Ibis On The Bear River Bird Refuge During Winter, Is That Really A Thing Now?

Two white-faced ibis feeding in a frozen wetland on the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge.

It might sound odd to hear that I use birds to denote the seasonal changes but I actually do, bird migration is fascinating to me so I watch and make note of their migratory fluctuations all year long. For example, I pay close attention to what the white-faced ibis are doing each spring and fall […]

Finding White-faced Ibis On The Bear River Bird Refuge During Winter, Is That Really A Thing Now? Read More »

Thousands Upon Thousands Of Migrating Snow Geese Descend Upon This Small Town For A Couple Of Weeks Each Spring.

A flock of migrating snow geese flying against a snow-covered mountain in Utah.

It’s an annual spectacle of nature that birdwatchers such as myself look forward to all winter, one that brings thousands of migrating snow geese to the small farming town of Corinne, Utah during March. In past years as many as 20,000 snow geese have been known to migrate through this rural community while these anxious

Thousands Upon Thousands Of Migrating Snow Geese Descend Upon This Small Town For A Couple Of Weeks Each Spring. Read More »

Wow, We Went From Photographing Butterflies On Zinnias To Snow Capped Mountains To 200 Sandhill Cranes, All In A Single Day.

sulphur butterfly on a zinnia flower

There’s an old saying around these parts that simply states if you don’t like the weather in Utah just sit tight, it will soon change. I guess, well, for me, at least, it should be reworded to say if you do like the weather in Utah enjoy it while it lasts because it’s going to

Wow, We Went From Photographing Butterflies On Zinnias To Snow Capped Mountains To 200 Sandhill Cranes, All In A Single Day. Read More »