A Life Lesson Learned From Watching Small White Butterflies Feeding On A Sunflower.

white butterflies on a sunflower

It’s summer and that means one thing, butterflies, lots and lots of beautifully adorned butterflies. On many of these summertime photo excursions my mind easily turns from birds to butterflies because, well, butterflies are just plain awesome. Yesterday was certainly one of those days where my intention was to take a trip around the Bear

A Life Lesson Learned From Watching Small White Butterflies Feeding On A Sunflower. Read More »

A Sight I’ve Never Seen Before, Hundreds Of Snowy Egrets Sitting On One Corner Of The Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge Auto Tour Route.

flock of snowy egrets on the bear river migratory bird refuge auto tour route

As a birdwatcher, I can honestly say I have never seen it before and I don’t know if I will ever see it again, at least in that magnitude I’d wager to guess. What I am talking about is a couple of days ago while doing some birdwatching on the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge

A Sight I’ve Never Seen Before, Hundreds Of Snowy Egrets Sitting On One Corner Of The Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge Auto Tour Route. Read More »

Strangely Enough, It’s Not Grain But Something Else The Yellow-headed Blackbirds Want From Late-Summer Corn Fields.

yellow-headed blackbird perched on a corn stalk

Have you been birdwatching the past few weeks or so on a wetland in your neck of the woods, one similar to the famed Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge auto tour route, and noticed, well, how strangely silent the wetlands are right now? I most certainly have and boy is it eerie quiet, to say

Strangely Enough, It’s Not Grain But Something Else The Yellow-headed Blackbirds Want From Late-Summer Corn Fields. Read More »

Here’s Why Utah’s Record Snowpack Helped The Great Salt Lake Overall But Not The Nesting Pelicans On Gunnison Island.

american white pelican taking off from the water on the bear river migratory bird refuge

Now this may sound strange to some of you but for a long time now, anytime I see an American white pelican in fact, I get this constant craving to someday make the long journey to the very remote and desolate Gunnison Island, a pelican rookery that’s quietly stashed away in the northwest corner of

Here’s Why Utah’s Record Snowpack Helped The Great Salt Lake Overall But Not The Nesting Pelicans On Gunnison Island. Read More »

The Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge Has Officially Joined The Fight Against Declining American Kestrel Populations

male american kestrel sitting on a fence post

Each winter I find myself mesmerized by the American kestrel, a somewhat common bird found on the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge during the coldest parts of the year. With its brilliantly colored plumage, the male kestrel in particular is a strikingly beautiful bird and one I personally take every opportunity I get to photograph

The Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge Has Officially Joined The Fight Against Declining American Kestrel Populations Read More »

A Birding Pictorial Showing When Life Tosses You A Curveball, Don’t Mope But Go Birdwatching Instead.

black crowned night heron standing in some cattails on the bear river migratory bird refuge

If there’s anybody that has a valid reason to be a “gloomy Gus” lately I’d argue that both the recent passing of my mother and now my 15-year-old dog seemingly days away from leaving my side entitles me the right to toss my hat into the proverbial ring of despair, at least for a moment

A Birding Pictorial Showing When Life Tosses You A Curveball, Don’t Mope But Go Birdwatching Instead. Read More »

Bird Photography And Nature Blogging May Never Be The Same For Me Anymore.

bison on antelope island

The absolute hardest part of writing for this website is, well, coming up with a compelling title and gripping first sentence. I’m far better at standing behind a camera capturing interesting and unique bird photographs than I am sitting in front of this laptop conjuring up riveting stories and captivating anecdotes to go along with

Bird Photography And Nature Blogging May Never Be The Same For Me Anymore. Read More »