How Do Swans Take Flight?

Have you ever been to a wetland preserve during spring migration and, well, for no other reason just sat and watched the swans? Being an avid birdwatcher, I most certainly have, numerous times, in fact. It’s quite enjoyable to take a little time from the busy, fast-paced modern world we live in and enjoy these

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How A Few Airboats, Many Volunteers, A Little Hay, And A Frozen Marsh All Came Together To Help Nesting Canada Geese

an airboat sitting on the ice at Farmington Bay WMA

When I woke up and left the house a lot earlier than normal this past Saturday morning I certainly had no idea what I had gotten myself into exactly. All I knew for sure was somehow, someway I was going to be riding in an airboat out in the frozen wetlands of Farmington Bay. Other

How A Few Airboats, Many Volunteers, A Little Hay, And A Frozen Marsh All Came Together To Help Nesting Canada Geese Read More »

The Ring-necked Pheasant

ring-necked pheasant standing in the snow

Yesterday, I was asked by a newspaper reporter what is it about bird watching that is just so darn interesting to me and, truthfully, I had to think about that for a moment or two. I mean seriously, why am I constantly compelled to brave not only the sweltering summer heat but also the blistering

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