Outdoor Photography Workshops For 2023

Due to covid restrictions the past couple of years, we haven’t been able to hold our annual Outdoor Photography Workshop at the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge but with restrictions now lifted and life back to a somewhat normal pace, it is time to once again get together and talk photography.

It is still a bit early for all the details to be set in stone but for our upcoming Outdoor Photography Workshop held at the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge visitors center a few changes will be in order with respect to our past workshops.

First, even though the event is completely free, seating will be limited to the capacity of the refuge visitors center auditorium so tickets will need to be secured beforehand.

brilliantly colored sunset reflection over water
(Come to the 2023 outdoor photography workshop held on the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge to learn how to take brilliant sunsets with nothing more than your phone, much like how this particular photograph was taken.)

Our last scheduled event back in 2020, before it had to be canceled due to covid that is, filled to capacity fairly quickly so if you are interested in attending make sure you sign up and follow our blog to get an update with the link for the free tickets when they become available.

Second, it looks like instead of one workshop there will be a total of three, each held on the second Saturday of the month during January, February, and March of 2023 which coincides with the refuge’s annual owl day, eagle day, and swan day events.

Nature-themed T-shirts and Hoodies

Visit 'Bird Shirts and More'

american white pelican in flight
(Learn how to take captivating birds in flight photographs at our upcoming outdoor photography workshop on the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge.)

The workshops might be a 3 part series or just three different topics in a more in-depth fashion and those details will be posted when they are decided upon and able to be made known to the public.

Our workshops held on the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge are always completely free events but we do ask participants to go to our subscribe page and sign up and actively follow our blog.

weidermeyer's admiral butterfly on a flower
(Learn how to take beautiful butterfly images at our upcoming annual beginning outdoor photography workshop held at the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge visitors center.)

And since these particular Outdoor Photography Classes are and will always be completely free we do hope all who are interested in attending would take a look at our online store Bird Shirts and More for bird-related apparel to help support our efforts in bringing these photography classes to the refuge each year.

Stay tuned and more information will be made available soon and hopefully, we’ll see you at the upcoming outdoor photography workshops at the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge.

I’d Rather Be Bird-Watching Apparel

Show off your love for bird watching as well as support our website and YouTube channel with this unique line of “I’d Rather Be Bird Watching” line of t-shirts and hooded sweatshirts, currently available in both t-shirts and hooded sweatshirts in a variety of sizes and colors.

I'd Rather Be Bird Watching Hooded Sweatshirt
(I’d rather be birding hooded sweatshirts and t-shirts.)