Free Outdoor Photography Videos Coming

bison on antelope island

As many people know, I am not only an avid bird watcher but an avid outdoor photographer, as well. Bird photography is, in all fairness, one of the main catalysts for me and my never ending love of nature and the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge.

As such, several years ago, I approached the Bear River Bird Refuge and proposed a plan to implement a free Beginning Outdoor Photography class each year on the refuge during their annual Swan Day event.

Well, the idea was very well received, and for the past few years, I conducted the photography class each March on their annual event.

tundra swans at farmington bay wma
(Tundra swans from this morning at Farmington Bay WMA)

Unfortunately, with the coronavirus epidemic, last year’s and this year’s annual swan day and photo class activities were cancelled.

Yeah, I know. I was thoroughly bummed about it, too. I loved doing the class and having it on the refuge’s swan day made it that much more enjoyable.

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Last year in 2020, the first time the photography class was cancelled due to the virus outbreak, we had almost 200 people signed up for the photography workshop.

pied-billed grebe at farmington bay wma
(Pied-billed grebe from a recent trip to Farmington Bay WMA)

I was super excited to get in front of such a large group and share my love and experience of outdoor photography to help other budding photographers, both the young and the young-at-heart alike, take better nature photographs.

Well, after two cancelled events now, the photographer in me keeps stirring to do something with regards to outdoor photography and helping others learn about the hobby I love so much and actually learned about for myself over 30 years ago.

song sparrow on a cattail at farmington bay wma
(A recent song sparrow image from Farmington Bay WMA)

We won’t get into the actual math here to find out just how old I really am, but suffice it to say, I have been pressing a shutter button for decades.

Recently, with my increasing interest in growing a YouTube channel, the thought popped into my head about doing some short but informative videos about outdoor photography, geared mostly about nature, of course.

Admittedly, I am not a videographer by any means, but with the still prevalent health concerns out there and the availability of the internet and YouTube, I am tossing around the idea of making some short outdoor photography videos for my channel in lieu of the in-person setting I actually prefer.

Hopefully, someday the annual photography class will be able to resume, but for now, I am kicking around this video idea in it’s place.

antelope island
(Even when the light is horrible, I love taking landscape photographs when the opportunity arises as it did at Antelope Island last week.)

Because such a endeavor will take me away from my regular work related duties to produce the videos, I am looking for and asking about how much interest there would be in such an effort, if I did indeed undertake such a task.

For those of you who read my blog and have interest in this idea (I thank you by the way for your readership), head on over to my YouTube channel and comment on the most recent video I just uploaded a few moments ago about tundra swans.

Let me know what your thoughts are about the photo class.

Give me your thoughts about the idea, and if there is enough interest, I will put together some short videos about beginning outdoor photography, similar to the annual class I did on the refuge, in fact.

American kestrel in flight at farmington bay wma
(Catching birds in flight, like this American kestrel at Farmington Bay WMA last week, is a thrill for almost any bird photographer.)

Anyways, thanks for following my blog and small but emerging YouTube efforts. I truly appreciate it.

If you haven’t already, don’t forget to subscribe to my blog here to be notified when I make a new post.