Photography Workshop Cancelled…..For Now

great salt lake sunset

This isn’t the blog post I was wanting to write today but, unfortunately, the decision has been made to cancel the Outdoor Photography Workshop for this Saturday.

The reason is based solely on health concerns regarding the spread of the corona-virus. Although here in Utah the virus is still in a very limited stage and I am in a low-risk category, personally, I am a very integral part of taking care of an elderly parent on a very regular basis who is, unfortunately, in a very high-risk category.

Because I need to lessen the risk of transmitting this disease to my elderly parent, the workshop will be canceled but with hopes, it can be rescheduled for later this year when the health concerns are gone.

This wasn’t an easy decision to make. I love teaching this workshop and look forward to it every year. I hope it is understood why I had to make this decision. My elderly mother’s health is of my utmost concern and anything I can do to reduce her risk of getting sick is of great importance to me.

When the decision to reschedule the workshop is made I will make another announcement via a blog post. I apologize for the cancellation and hope we can reschedule it for later this year.

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