Recent Sightings: Tundra Swans

tundra swans on the bear river migratory bird refuge

I spend as much time as I can each week on the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, looking for any new birds arriving to the refuge which, indeed, signals spring migration is close at hand.

This winter has been long and cold but it can’t last forever, right? I am starting to see signs of spring in the not too far off distance. Yesterday, I was watching a great blue heron on the ice and heard large crackling sounds from the ice as it started to break up a bit, just a few short yards away from the heron.

Listen as ice cracks nearby while this great blue heron stands still on the ice.

I also found a small flock of tundra swans on the east leg of the auto tour route. It’s not uncommon for a small band of tundra swans to winter on the refuge but this is the first swan sighting I have personally seen on the refuge in several weeks. I hope it is a sign they are on their way back north because with them, warmer temperatures are soon to follow.

tundra swans on the bear river migratory bird refuge
A small band of tundra swans was sighted on the refuge yesterday.

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