Reflection On The Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge

reflection on the bear river migratory bird refuge

Sometimes when I am out bird watching I find a scene that just grabs my attention and holds it.

And when do I come across these scenes, I always try to capture them with a camera to share with others how beautiful nature really is.

A couple of days ago while traversing the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge auto tour route, I came across a reflection on the southeast corner that was so mesmerizing, so breathtaking I just had to grab an image to show others just how magnificent the bird refuge really is.

Most of the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge as of this writing is still frozen, except for the southeast corner of the auto loop.

There were quite possibly thousands of tundra swans hunkered down on the nearby ice but my attention was on the reflection up ahead.

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Yep, you guessed it, I am a total nerd when it comes to glass-smooth landscape reflections like this.

Put a scene like this in front of me and I am like a kid in a candy store.

Views like this near-perfect reflection don’t always happen, however, on the refuge, but once in a while nature does like to show off a bit.

In fact, scenes like this are pretty rare, but that is what makes them so special I guess when they do indeed show themselves.

Just keep your eye out and your camera handy because you just never know when and where something like this will happen.

If you are a fan of nature and would like to learn more about the famed Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, I offer you to head on over to our subscribe page and sign up for email notifications for future blog posts.

I also have a small but growing YouTube channel where I post occasional bird-watching updates about the refuge as well as short nature clips when I can capture them on film.

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