Sandhill Cranes Are Currently Passing Through Utah And The Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge

sandhill crane on the bear river bird refuge

Each year, during both spring and fall, the great spectacle of migration returns, oftentimes giving birders brief glimpses of birds rarely seen otherwise.

One of those seldom-seen but highly anticipated migratory birds that peak the interest of bird watchers everywhere is, without a doubt, the sandhill crane.

Although Utah is not widely regarded as a sandhill crane hotspot, sandhill cranes do, in fact, migrate through the State of Utah during both spring and fall on their way to and from their breeding grounds in the far reaches of the North American continent.

And the sandhill crane migration, in fact, is going on now in parts of northern Utah.

The Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge is known to have a few breeding pairs of sandhill cranes each year, but the vast majority of sandhill cranes migrate to breeding grounds in the northern portion of Canada as well as Alaska.

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sandhill crane on the bear river bird refuge
(Wetlands such as the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge are great places to find migrating sandhill cranes.)

Despite the individuals that do stay and breed on the Bear River Refuge, sandhill cranes are only listed as uncommonly found on the refuge during the summer months.

But, however, sandhill cranes are actually listed as commonly found on the Bear River Bird Refuge during migration periods such as spring and fall.

I have seen a few breeding pairs of sandhill cranes with their colts during the summer months on the Bear River Bird Refuge over the years.

But truth be told and from my personal experience, it is quite uncommon to consistently see sandhill’s on the refuge during the breeding season.

Sandhill cranes are, however, starting to show up in small flocks in the farming communities around the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge as they stopover for a time to feed and rest.

Small flocks of sandhill cranes are currently being spotted in harvested grain fields in the nearby farming towns of Corinne and Bear River City.

sandhill cranes feeding in a grain field near the bear river migratory bird refuge
(Sandhill cranes can be found in Utah in waste grain fields near the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge.)

Mornings are the best time to find and observe the sandhill cranes while they feed in the waste-grain fields.

Usually, by mid-morning, the cranes finish feeding and head back out to the marshes, including the nearby Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, to rest for the afternoon.

Fall migration for sandhill cranes in Utah typically happens during the months of September through November, depending on the particular area.

Currently, areas such as Box Elder County, Utah, which includes the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, are attracting sandhill cranes as they pass through on their way to their southern range for the winter.

sandhill crane on the bear river migratory bird refuge
(Sandhill crane from the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge.)

Sandhill cranes are attracted to both wetlands and grain fields in the fall, making the farming communities around the Bear River Bird Refuge a common place to find sandhill cranes during fall migration.

For the next month or so, it is a good time to get out and see the migrating sandhill cranes as they pass through northern Utah.

Once they are gone for the season, however, it won’t be until spring when these majestic birds once again migrate through Utah for yet another breeding season up north.

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sandhill crane on the bear river bird refuge
(Sandhill cranes are such interesting and beautiful birds and worth the effort to view them during fall migration.)