Watch For Snow Geese On The Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge

snow geese on the bear river migratory bird refuge

Just a quick update for anyone interested in recent and uncommon bird sightings on the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge.

Today, while driving up Forest Street as I was leaving the refuge, I came across a most unusual sight this time of year, especially for bird watchers.

3 snow geese were mingling with a bunch of Canada geese near the Reeder canal, which is the first canal you come to as you are heading down to the refuge auto tour loop.

Personally, I have never seen snow geese on the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge until today, even despite the thousands of snow geese that migrate through and sit on adjacent private wetlands during spring migration.

It looked as if it was an adult and 2 juvenile snow geese from what I could tell.

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So if you are heading out to visit the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge auto tour route, keep a lookout as you are heading down Forest Street, especially on the upper portion near the first canal on the east side of the road, as you might just see a couple snow geese passing through the refuge.

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